39 Best Free Medical Website Templates For Present-day Audience

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Medical industry is drastically embracing the online world. Since more and more people seek the internet for medical-related issues, taking your medical services online is a must. These free medical website templates will help you create an effective medical website that meets present-day needs. A survey from Search engine watch reveals that people from 18 to 24 years of age said they would trust medical information shared by others on their social media networks. Another survey says that 19% of smartphone users have at least one health-related app on their phone. Since the smart wearable technology has matured enough for general public use, the number of mobile users will grow in the upcoming years.

Your medical website must be able to handle all the demands mentioned above. Since your online audience mostly falls within the age group of 18 to 20 years, making your website for their taste is a must. The more readily the information is available the most likely your site's audience base will increase. So in this free medical website templates list, we manage to pick the templates with modern web design trends.

The web features which you must see in a medical website template are a clean layout, reservation forms, services you provide, and operating hours. Since more online users are in search of worthy medical contents running a useful health blog on your site is also a necessary factor.

Adding a live chat option is also the best option so that the user doesn't need to wait on a call queue to clear their doubts. If you are very serious about taking your medical services online, try to implement more automation tools.

Best Free Medical Website Templates

Whether you are looking for a pharmacy website template, healthcare website template, doctor website template, or any other medical templates, these free medical website templates will come in handy for you.


clean and professional medical website template

clean and professional medical website template

Medically will instantly impress persons who are looking for clean and professional looking free medical website templates. Clean & professional — both qualities are very rare in a free template, but the creator has given you a premium quality template. It is a multi-page website template with all basic pages pre-designed for you. Each webpage is designed carefully so that important information is easy to access. Plus, this template's ability to handle multimedia content elegantly makes it a user-friendly template for present-day audiences. All images and icons used in this template are included in the download file; hence developers can easily work with this template.

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interactive medical website template

interactive medical website template

The smart design of the Medex template handles the content effortlessly. From header to footer, each space is used efficiently in this template so that you can show more relevant information without making the user scroll a lot. Parallax scrolling effects and hover effects are also used effectively to deliver an immersive user experience. Call to action buttons for booking appointments are given at an easily accessible spot. The only thing you have to do is to configure the button with your booking software. Since this template uses the latest HTML5 and Bootstrap 4 framework, it can handle all modern tools easily.

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cosmetic medical website template

cosmetic medical website template

Aesthetic is a free medical website template for plastic surgeons and other cosmetic related medical websites. Right from the icons to the images, everything in this template is related to the niche, which makes this template a better option for the developers. You can simply add your content, add the features you want, and launch your website in no time. The appointment booking form is given at the homepage header section itself, plus you have space to mention the working hours at the top navigation bar. Overall, Aesthetic is a perfect website template, which you can use to make your dream website.

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Health is a premium quality free medical website template. With the clean professional layout, all the required information is presented beforehand. The tile interface of the template gave you enough space to explain services. If you have different departments in your hospital, the user can select the required department and see the features of the particular department.

Right below the features section you have a big neat appointment form. The form supports calendar and field validation. As a whole, the given form is in a perfect working condition from the front end, all you have to do is to integrate the form with your registration system. In the top bar, you have the option to include helpline number and call to action button to book an appointment. Overall the Health template is a complete package for the hospitals.

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user-friendly website template

user-friendly website template

In the Medi template, the creator gave you a premium quality design. Right from the color schemes to icons, everything looks crisp. As most modern users are using at least a 720P display, using a crisp template like this is a must. All elements and sections work perfectly from the front-end side. Hence, the developer can concentrate on the back-end work with a peace of mind. Like most other free medical website templates in this list, this one is also a mobile responsive website template that works flawlessly on all devices. An appointment booking form is already placed on the homepage, but in order to make the form even more accessible, the creator has placed an appointment booking form call to action button at the top navigation bar.

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clean medical website template

clean medical website template

Docmed is a clean website template that you can use for all types of health and medical websites. The creator had followed a light color scheme throughout the template, which gives a sense of roominess. Gradient call to action buttons are used in this template. If you like to make the gradient button even more engaging, take a look at our CSS gradient button design collection. This is a multi-page website template with all the necessary pages related to a medical website is pre-designed for you. All you have to do is to add the content to your website and launch your website.

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website template to neatly organize the content

website template to neatly organize the content

The creator of this template has made sure that you deliver the content engagingly to the audience. Vertical tabs and carousels are used smartly to organize the related content. Without scrolling much, users can easily find the information they want. All elements are placed at an easily accessible spot so that your user will have a better experience. For example, the appointment booking form is treated with a light window popup so that users can book their appointment without leaving the page. For more interactive tab designs, take a look at our bootstrap tabs design collection. Since this template is using the latest Bootstrap 4 framework, it can handle any modern design elements and animation effects.

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flat website template

flat website template

If your medical website has to deal with multiple medical departments, this template is the best option for you. The creator has kept the elements flat(ish), so you get more than enough space to fit all elements in one place. Animation and hover effects are fluid, which most users will love to use. High-quality icons are used in this template, and the best thing is they are included in the download file. Hence, developers can easily work with this template and change the looks as per their wish. Overall, Health is a user-friendly and a developer-friendly website template.

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feature-rich website template

feature-rich website template

Healthcare is a proper medical website template. The creator has loaded this template with the elements and front-end features you want on a medical website. Though it is a free template, it never feels like one. All elements function properly as they should, so website owners can rely on this template and can work with a peace of mind. Along with the services pages, this template also has separate pages for doctors. New users can clearly understand the experience of the doctor and how well they can treat their disease. This template is purely designed by keeping present-day users in mind and will deliver an impeccable user experience.

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modern medical website template

modern medical website template

If you are looking for free medical website templates with a trendy modern design, this one will inspire you for sure. The creator of this template has used the latest design elements effectively to deliver the content elegantly to the users. In the demo, the creator has used lots of vector characters, if you want you can change it with the images you like. All the assets like the fonts and images used in this design are shared in the download file. Hence, you can work with this template easily. An appointment registration form is given on the homepage itself so that the user can book appointments easily as soon as they land on the website. Plus, you also have a space in the top navigation bar to mention the 24/7 emergency helpline number. Overall, Medico is one of the best thoughtfully designed free medical website templates.

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professional looking medical website template

professional looking medical website template

Medcare is a professional-looking easy-to-interact medical website template. The creator has sensibly placed the elements in the right spots, so your users will have a better experience on your website. For example, an FAQ accordion is placed right next to the appointment booking form. New users can see the FAQs and clear their general doubts before booking their appointment. Speaking of accordions, take a look at our CSS accordion collection for more interactive design concepts.

Background patterns and elements are used to give a visual break to the plain background. It is a multipage template with all the basic pages pre-designed for you. You can see an appointment booking form near the footer in all the pages, which is a thoughtful touch.

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fresh and trendy-looking medical website template

fresh and trendy-looking medical website template

Design-wise, the Medisen template is almost similar to the Medico template mentioned above; Since both the templates are from the same designer, you can see some similar designs here and there. But, this template has completely different sectionings and structures. On the clean white layout, the bright blue color scheme looks attractive and also gives a professional look to the template. Very mild animation effects and hover effects are used in this template. Perfectly scaled animations will give a buttery smooth experience to the user. Along with the regular pages, you also get blog templates and single blog designs in this template. So you can easily share information and useful health tips with your audience.

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bold and easy to interact website template

bold and easy to interact website template

If you are looking for free medical website templates that are easy to maintain, this is the one for you. With the neat one-page design, this template will help you easily manage the content. The creator has kept the webpage long so that you can add all the sections and elements you would normally need in a medical website. Call to action buttons and other elements are big enough for easier interaction. Because of this bold design, users can use your website easily even on their mobile phones. If you have the resources, you can even upgrade this template with more pages and use it as a fully equipped medical website template. Like most other free medical website templates in this list, this one is also made using the HTML5 and CSS3 script. Hence, the developers can easily work with this template.

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Hospsice is a simple yet elegant looking website template for all types of healthcare organizations. The flexible design of this template makes it a perfect option for both small and big healthcare organizations. An appointment booking form is placed on the homepage itself for the users to easily book an appointment. Near the appointment booking form, you have space to list your daily working hours so that the user can have an idea of timing before booking an appointment. A separate section is given on the homepage to list your achievements and patient feedback to increase your credibility.

It is a mobile responsive website, so the users can reach your website on the go. Since this template is simple in its design, it loads faster even on mobile devices. Each section and the web elements are made big for easier interaction. Overall, the hospice is one of the best free medical website templates with a user-friendly design.

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DrPro is a patient-centric website template, where the user gets the most important features readily on their hands. Since this template is primarily designed for plastic surgeons, you get the image related to it. But, you can use this template for other types of medical websites as well. In between sections you have big banners to highlight important contents like emergency numbers. Visual effects and animation effects are kept very minimal in this template to meet the professional website standards.

Throughout the template, the designer has used only two colors, which gives a clear branding to your website. If you have your own brand color, you can use in this template. As this template uses the latest CSS3 framework, all modern colors are supported in this template. It is a multi-page template, so you have more than enough pages to explain your services clearly to the users.

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DrCare is a thoughtfully designed medical website template. The designer has given you plenty of space for text contents. You can clearly explain all your services and facilities you have. Another advantage of text content website templates are, you get a slight SEO edge over your fellow competitor's websites. The designer has handled the template really well so that web pages don't look congested even on the text-rich sections. Interactive elements like carousels and animated counters are given to present the contents engagingly to the users. On the homepage, you get a free consultation form, but you can easily change it into a booking form.

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Medino is a pristine and clean looking website template. All the web elements are placed at the optimal positions so that the users can access them easily. Trendy gradient banners are used in between the sections, which will get user attention quickly. To spice up the design, the designer has used colorful vector icons to list your service. The best part about this template is, the creator has shared all the assets used in this design. So you can easily work with this template and customize it in no time. Not only the design but the code structure is also kept really simple for easier integration and customizations. Blog page and single blog page templates are also given in this template to help you easily share your news and updates.

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Dento is a perfect commercial website template. With this template, you can promote your services and let the user book appointments easily. In the digital world, users always love to do things on the go. Presenting your website with online booking options, give users peace of mind. The homepage of this template is pretty straightforward and present the contents readily to the users. You also get a CSS table in this template to clearly list your hospital's daily schedule. You can add call to action buttons in the table to let the users easily book an appointment. All the basic pages are pre-designed for you, using free medical website templates like this will help you set up a website in no time.

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Prodent is also primarily designed for dental clinics, but you can use this template for other hospital websites as well. A refreshing green color scheme is used in this template which looks attractive on the clean white background. Since this template is made for dental clinics, you get all the icons related to the dental clinics. This might be something you have to customize if you are using this template for other types of websites. The designer has sensibly placed the working hours and emergency numbers at the header section.

You have a big table in the footer to neatly list your daily schedules. In between sections, you have big promotional banners, which will come in handy to highlight and show your special features. In this template, you only get the blog page template. You have to work manually to set a single blog post page or you can use the Dento template mentioned above.

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Medicare 2



As said before in this post, the age group of your online audience is from 18 to 30 years, your website must be able to meet their needs. The Medicare 2 is a colorful website template with tons of useful modern web elements. In the top bar, you have space to add your contact details and call to action button for booking appointment. Colorful gradient color scheme is used in this template and the CSS3 framework gives a natural look to this template.

Color shifting effects are used for the call to action buttons, which makes this template even more attractive. Blog pages and blog post templates are also given in this package. If you are about to run a content rich website for your audience, this template will come in handy for you. This template is also mobile responsive out of the box and all other basic optimizations are also taken care of by the creator of this template.

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Medart is a perfect balance of both modern design and useful features. The creator of this template has given you all the important options you need to set up a user-friendly website. In the header, you have a big image slider with texts and call to action buttons to feature the best services of you. Since it is a multi-page template you can use a separate page to explain the services neatly in one whole page. In the homepage, just below the header image, you have info section with online scheduling form.

Colorful gradient colors are used for the web elements to make it stand out from the rest of the web elements. In the info section, you have content blocks to mention the emergency numbers and other contact details. The clean white background makes readability easier on the template. This is a mobile responsive website template and the designer has sensibly aligned the web elements in the mobile view for better user experience. You can simply add your contents and launch your website straight away.

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Caremed is a colorful website template. Though it is a professional website the designer of this template has two colors and carried them elegantly throughout the template. Shadow and depth effects are used elegantly to highlight the important web elements from the rest of the web elements. Another biggest advantage of the dual color scheme is you can gracefully highlight the important contents without making it look odd from the rest of the design. Neat segmentation on the homepage helps the user to have a quick overview of all your services.

Call to action buttons are placed at the right spots to direct the users correctly to the required pages. Customized vector line icons are used in this template, which is mostly related to the medical niche so that you can use them as such in your website. The footer section is made big enough to add all your page links and other contact details. Images are also given equal importance in this template so you can make an interactive content delivery to the users.

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Medical is a sensible hospital website template. If you are making a website for a hospital with lots of departments and services, then this template is the best option. Modern web elements are used smartly to help you add more contents within the given space that too by not making the website look clumsy. Appointment booking form is given below the header sections and a call to action button is also given in the top navigation bar so that the users can easily access the form wherever anywhere from the website.

In the default design itself you have space to add video contents. The videos open in a lightbox to give users a complete control over the video player. In all the subpages the webpage breadcrumbs are given in the header to help the user easily track back their path. In the contact page, you have an interactive map widget to help the user easily locate the geographical location of your hospital.

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Medica is a fully functional colorful medical website template. This template can be used for any type of healthcare industry websites. Two navigation bar is placed at the top; one is for the regular pages and other is for the quick access links. If you are providing an option for your patients to create a profile on your website, these quick access link bar will help you. We have collected some of the best free admin dashboard templates, take a look at it to provide a user-friendly control panel for your users.

The designer of this template has used different shades and tints of blue colors in this template. Using these different blue colors you can elegantly categorize the contents and highlight them elegantly from other web elements. The intuitive homepage design of this template helps the user to understand your services, doctors and other facilities. Appointment booking forms are given in different parts of the page and you also have a separate page for the appointment booking form. Based on your select one form and use it throughout the template for better user management.

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Medilife is almost similar to the Medica template mentioned above. Both the templates are from the same designer, but this template has its own unique structure and design elements. The bright color scheme of this template will get user attention as soon as they land on your website. Bright colors are used for the most important elements and contents to easily draw user attention on the required web elements. Texts are made bigger and bolder for easier interaction.

Since it is a mobile responsive website template, these bigger web elements will make the website interaction easier on the small screen devices as well. The designer of this template has also included a blog page templates to help you set an active website. As said at the beginning of the article, present-day users trust online discussions and articles to know about their diseases. Running an active blog on a medical website will help the users to get a reliable information.

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Law is a website template for professionals. If you are a doctor and looking for a personal website template then this template is for you. Though this template is basically designed for the lawyers, the default features you get with this template will help you create an effective medical website as well. This full-width one-page template gives you a lengthy homepage with ample amount space to explain your services, expertise, and experiences.

Since this template is primarily designed for personal use, it includes many personal branding elements. In the header, you have the option to include hero image and a call to action button to book an appointment. The appointment button takes the users to the contact section directly. Since it is a generic contact form, you don't have the option to include any other special fields. If you wish to use this template all you have to change is the icons used in this template. All the icons are customized for the lawyers, editing few lines of code will make this template a perfect fit for the doctors.

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Frame is a multipurpose website template for SAAS companies. So all the web elements you get with this template are made for the generic use only. But the layout of the template makes it a choice for the medical website template. Since this template is primarily designed for the professional websites, you can use this templates for hospitals without any hesitation.

The call to action buttons are placed in the right place to guide the user to the required spots easily. Clean white and blue tinted background colors act easily on the eyes. The only change you need to do with this template is to change the pricing table with an appointment form. All other web elements will be useful to create an effective medical website template.

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Virb is also another multipurpose website template. Design wise this template also follows a tile pattern just like the Health template mentioned above. The only difference is this template uses tiles in a different way. The pristine design of this template gives a clean user experience. Even if the user is in a hurry the clean design layout of the template will help them to find the required details without any fuzz.

The video contents play a major part in the social media, especially the users prefer video to understand any complex topics. If you have any idea of creating valuable videos as a part of your content strategy this template will be of great help to you. Since this template uses HTML 5 framework, adding videos to the template is not a difficult job. Other useful features you get with this template are accordions, line icons, testimonial segment, a neat contact form. Since it is a multi-page template you get a separate contact page with the option to include an interactive map.

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Medi+ is a fresh new entry in the free medical website templates segment. When it is mentioned fresh new entry, you do expect a fresh new design with modern web elements. The Medi+ website template does not disappoint you, with this template you get trendy web design. To be obvious this template will make you fall in love at first sight. The trendy design of the template will attract the millennial audience sure for fire.

Use of shadow effects on certain web elements makes it pop out of the screen. Another important highlight of this template is the visual effects. The animation effects on the web elements are used in a right proportion so that it does not look flashy or unprofessional. You also have the drop-down menu option for better user experience in finding the pages.

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Medical is one of the best free medical website templates. If you are looking for a simple yet modern website template for your personal use or for your hospital, then Medical is the best option for you. All the required options and segments to create an effective medical website is provided in this template.

Trendy color gradients and shadow effects are one of the important design trends you can see almost in every top brand. For example, Instagram and recently Apple have adopted the gradient style on their sites and product illustration pages respectively. With the big clean design, this template gives you more than enough space to explain all your services. Since it is a one-page template the developers have used the visual effects to explain the services within the given space. Other useful features you get with this template is appoint form, animated counter, and gradient style call to action button.

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Bored of usual design? Expecting something new out of the box design? Well, Fplus is probably the best option for you. This creative template is not for everyone, only for the people who want to try something new. Creative design means not compromising with basic features. With this template, you get all the basic features required for a professional medical website.

In the header section, you have a big static hero image background with a cutout to the bottom left corner to add a text and a call to action button to take the user to portfolio segment. Here for a medical website, you can use the call to action button to take the user to appointment section. This template ticks all the important boxes for a medical website, clean layout and logically arranged contents. The navigation option opens in as a full-sized white window over the web pages. You also have the option to include social media profile links. As said in the introduction, social media plays a major role in the medical sector, these social icons can help you grow your social media audience.

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Corporate is a multipurpose business website template. The flexible layout and the clean design of this template make it a perfect fit for the medical websites. The trendy violet colors look more attractive on the clean white background. If your medical organization has any brand color you can use this feature to personalize the template to your brand. With this template, you get important medical website elements like services offered, special features, news section, and a contact form. Like most other trendy free medical website templates on this list, the Corporate is also a one-page website template. In the contact section, you have the option to include an interactive map. This template uses the Google map, so the users get all the default options they get on a Google map.

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Classic, the template is quite an opposite to the name of the template. The Classic is a modern and trendy looking multipurpose professional website. In fact, this is the only free medical website template in this list that uses three-dimensional buttons for the call to action buttons and tabs. The fonts used in this template are neat and legible to read. No matter in which device we are viewing this template, the text is easy to read. And yes, this template is mobile optimized. Since this template uses a floating design, the developers have used visual effects to highlight the elements. In the header, you have the option to include member sign in option. If you are about to run a membership site, take a look at our admin template collections to create an easily manageable member section.

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Conference is an event website template. Since this template is designed to manage multiple users at a time and let them find what they want, it is a better choice for medical websites also. At the top navigation bar you have the option you have the option to include call to action button. As it is a even website template the call to action button is used for ticket reservation, you can use this button for booking appointment.

This template uses a mixed design of tile and plain design. The tile design is used to illustrate your features and services effectively with images. Since multiple events take place in a conference a schedule table is used to show when are the events are happening. You can use this table to show the doctors schedule and the available doctors for that particular day. Overall the conference is a feature packed website template with a potential to make an effective medical website.

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SaaS is actually a landing page template. In our previous landing page website template collection we have mentioned, how precise the design and the content have to be to convert the audience. SaaS website template exactly follows the conversion based design. Meaning, all the contents, and the web elements are placed at the most prominent spots that would give you best results and the users will find using your site extremely easy.

Each segment in the homepage is differentiated by white and grey color. The use of modern trendy blue color not only makes your site look bright but also make your site look professional. Since it is a one-page template the top navigation bar remains sticky. The sticky bar helps you achieve two things; better navigation and the other is to let users notify that they can book an appointment whenever they want.

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Call Center



Call Center is another corporate style website template in this list that is capable enough to make a medical website. With this template you get a lot of features, here are some of the highlights. Number one, spotless design; with which users can see the contents on your site without any distraction. Number two, easy multimedia content addition. The Call Center template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework. So customizing and editing this template is an easy job. Another unique element of this template is the colorful vector icons. Since this template is primarily developed for the call centers all the vectors are based on that theme. Like all other free medical website templates in this list, the creator of this template has also made the code script simple for easier customization.

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Creative Agency



Creative Agency is a multipurpose website template. This classy looking website template is the best choice for any business website. The fresh design of the template makes the user experience a breeze. For those medical services who want a simple website to show their services, features and Doctors team, this template would be the best choice. Since it is a one-page template, each segment in the homepage is made big enough to handle huge texts and images. Being a multipurpose website template all the icons used are generic, even some of them may suit for medical websites as well. The best part is along with this template you also get blog pages designed for you. If you are intended to create a content-rich site, this blog page template will come in handy for you.

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Gym is a fitness website template. Being a health-related site this template also helps you to create a medical website. With this template you get all the necessary web elements like a placeholder for an emergency contact number, table to show the daily schedule and top courses section. This template uses a clean white background on which all the web elements and the texts are visible and easy to read. The use of red color scheme for the web elements catches the user's attention easily. Another useful tool you get with this template is a BMI calculator, you can use this space to add admission form.

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