41 Free Travel Agency Website Templates With Premium Features 2020

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Travel agencies solely depend on the quality of the service they provide. The best part is each customer is different and their needs are also different. The same thing applies to the travel agency websites. To meet customer requirements, websites need to be equipped with tons of features. Sadly most of the features can only be found in premium templates. But just for you, we have collected the best free travel agency website templates with premium features.

All these free travel agency website templates are HTML5 templates. Every feature in these templates is completely working from the front-end. With the help of a developer, you can make these templates a complete website in no time.




Places is a fully equipped travel agency website template. The creator of this template gave us all the options we want and everything is in a perfect working condition. In the header, you have a ticket reservation form and a call to action buttons, in the form you also have the calendar input option for easy entry. Animation effects are used to show the images interactively to the users. Even though it is a multi-page template, this template provides you a long homepage.

The sections on the homepage are aligned logically so that the user will get the required details easily. Apart from the homepage you also get other pages like services, directory, and contact page. In all the subpage you have space reserved at the top with a background image to add promotional contents and latest offers.

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image-rich travel website template

image-rich travel website template

Travelo website template's design will inspire the audience to travel to new places as soon as they land on the website. The creator has used images and videos effectively to let the users fully experience the beauty of the places. Even if you are planning to have a raw HTML website, the HTML5 framework of this template will help you run videos without any issues. Each and every page on this template is designed with care so that you get relevant elements for that page, and users can easily interact with your website.

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user-friendly website template

user-friendly website template

If you are offering lots of irresistible features in your travel packages, this is the website template for you. The clean content-focused design of this template will help you explain the tour packages clearly to the audience. Mostly flat-ish elements are used in this template; some of them might transform into modern elements when you hover over them. Like most of the free travel agency website templates, card elements are used to give a quick overview of the important aspects of the tour package. For example, users can see the number of days, pricing, and locations easily on the tour package card. You can use flip animations to the card to make them even more attractive. Take a look at our card flip animation effects collection for fresh ideas.

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clean website template for travelers

clean website template for travelers

Trips is a clean and engaging website template for travel agency websites. On the clean white layout, the creator has used smooth animation effects to deliver the content engagingly to the audience. On the homepage header section, you have the option to add a video link. If you want you can even use a video background to bring the adventure and traveler inside your audience. The creator has given an ample amount of space for images and texts to let you explain the tour package and the places clearly to the audience. With the premium quality design, this template becomes one of the best free travel agency website templates in the market.

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unique website template with useful options

unique website template with useful options

Waterboat is a unique travel website template in this free travel agency website templates collection. This one is specifically designed for travelers who like to travel via luxury yacht, boats, and ships. Though the default design is made for the micro-niche, you can use this template for other types of travel agency websites as well. All necessary elements from the tour pack cards to the registration forms, everything is given in this template. By making a few adjustments to the design you can use this template for all types of travel agency websites.

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vacation and travel planning agency website template

vacation and travel planning agency website template

Vacation is a normal travel agency website template that you can use for any website. The whole website is designed from a business perspective. You can elegantly showcase your travel packages, explain the places clearly using the videos and images. To help the user easily search and find the travel package they want, an advanced search bar is given in this template. Dropdown options and calendar input options are also given in this search bar to make the interaction easier. Every element on this template is designed with care so that the user can easily use your website. If you are looking for free travel agency website templates that can help you grow your business, templates like this can help you.

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colorful website template

colorful website template

Tourbi is a colorful travel agency website template. The creator has used bright colors effectively to draw user attention to the required elements and content. All the elements in this creative website template are perfectly working form the front-end. So we can concentrate on the features we want and in the integration part. The creator has used the latest HTML5 and CSS3 script, hence you can easily integrate any latest tool with this template. In all the pages, you have a newsletter subscription form. If you are into email marketing, take a look at our email marketing templates, to create impressive emails in no time. Using free travel agency website templates like this will help you save you time and money.

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clean and professional looking website template

clean and professional looking website template

If you like the Tourbi template mentioned above, but want it in a more businesslike look, the Martine template will impress you. Since both the templates are from the same creators, you can expect the same design quality and code quality. Comparatively speaking, the Martine template has more space for images than the Tourbi template. Hover and animation effects are used smartly to give useful information within the given space. On the top bar, you have space to add useful information like contact information and social media profile links. On the webpages, you have big banners in between the sections to promote your services and upcoming events. If you are looking for free travel agency website templates with commercial design, this is the one for you.

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Safario is a trendy looking illustrative website template. The designer has used colorful vectors to show tour packages and places. Hover effects are used smartly to show related contents like the tour package pricing and its details. Smartly designed homepage let the user get a quick overview of your services. Useful elements like tour package search widgets are given in the homepage itself to keep the users engaged. In the footer, you have space to add an Instagram widget to share your feeds. It is a mobile responsive website template so your customers can book your services on the go.

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Traveland is an image rich website template. If you are using custom images made specifically for your website, then this is the template for you. The big image holders help you show the photographs clearly to the users and let them feel the vacation spot they are going to choose. To make the texts legible among these big image holders, the designer has made the texts bigger and bolder. Even on small screen devices, the user can easily read the contents on your website. The package booking call to action button is placed at the top navigation bar so that the user can access it easily from all the pages on your website.

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Travelers is a bold website template that will inspire the traveler inside everyone. On the clean white background, the images can be seen clearly. In all subpages, you have a testimonial section to improve credibility. Each section on the web page is made bigger so that you can add all type of contents in this template. Since it is an HTML5 template, you can add video contents to it. Other than regular pages, this template also gives you blog templates to share the latest news and offers. You can use the big image parallax section to add promotional banners and increase your conversion rate.

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Taxa is almost similar to the Safario template mentioned-above, but this template has space for images along with the colorful vectors. The designer has given you pre-designed colorful banners to promote your services. Colorful gradient colors are used for important web elements and important sections. Interactive hover effects and animation effects are used to give life to this creative website template. Along with the basic web pages, the developer has also given you blog templates pre-designed for you.

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Beyond is a clean looking website template. The simple neat design of this template presents the web contents elegantly to the users. Ample amount of space is given for the video and image contents. If you are using your own images and videos on your website, it will help the user engage your website easily and also will increase your credibility. Bold texts and icons are used to highlight the services to give you more screen space, all the navigation options are hidden behind the hamburger menu icon. From header to the footer you have plenty of space to add your contents. Search options are given as a widget on the homepage, which you can move up or down on the page based on your needs.

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Major is the perfect option for the travel agencies offering A-Z travel services. Though this template is designed for hotel websites, you can use this for travel websites as well. The sensual design of this template let you list and organize all your services in one place. Using big bold texts and big images this template elegantly promotes your business. User-friendly features like advanced search bars are given in this template for quick and easy search. In the top navigation bar, you have space to add customer support number and reservation call to action button. It is a multi-page template, so you needn't worry about running out of pages.

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The header section of the image itself will set the holiday mood, once the visitor land on your site. Important web elements are put at the top section of the homepage so the user will easily know the services you offer. Bright colors and sleek animation effects are used to promote new offers and your business elegantly to the users. Clean white background of the template is used effectively to clearly distinguish the web elements and texts from each other. Vector icons are used to neatly depict the services you offer.

In the homepage header section, you have an advanced search bar with filter options. Just below the search bar, you have category options to let the user easily find the services they are looking for. Cards are used to show the tour packages along with their price, tags, and a quick information of the tour package. It is a multi-page template so you can explain the services in detail to the users. In the tours page, you have interactive filter tools to let the users easily filter the places they are interested to visit. As said before, all the features are completely working from the front-end, you have to manually take care of the integration part.

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Storytelling is one of the most effective means used by the big brand to inspire new visitors to join their programme or to try their product. With the Voyage template, you can inspire the travelers with images and video contents. The designer of this template has made use of the modern web elements to get user attention. Proper sectioning of the template answers the user questions then and there where it appears. So the users will find your website extremely useful to plan their trip with you.

Images and video contents are an important medium, which the travel agencies use to engage their users. The designer of this template has understood this demand and provided you with plenty of image holders in this template. In the header section, you have a search bar with a tabbed interface; it helps the users to easily switch between services and find the package within their budget. Full-width design of the template is effectively used by the fully-stretched carousels and big content blocks. The homepage of this template is designed sensibly so that the users can have a quick overview of all your services.

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Harbor Lights

feature-rich hotel website template

feature-rich hotel website template

Harbor Lights is a travel com hotel website template. Modern layout and smooth animation effects will help you hold the new user on your site for a longer period of time. The sensibly designed homepage has all the important elements and sections so that users can easily find the information they want. Since this is a multi-page website template, you can easily direct the users from the homepage to the relevant pages. Blue and green colors are smartly balanced throughout the template to give a visually pleasing website. By making a few changes to the website, you can use this template for a travel agency.

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modern website template

modern website template

Europa is a bold and friendly website template for travel agencies and hotels. A unique color scheme makes this template stand out from the other free travel agency website templates in this list. You can change the color scheme if you want and make the website look the way you want. The availability checking form has useful options like the date picking option, the number of adults & children, and the pricing. To make the search form even more engaging, you can add a range slider element. Take a look at our range slider CSS designs collection fir inspirations. Since this template is made using the latest CSS3 script, it can handle all modern elements and effects easily.

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Travello is an ultra clean travel website template. This template gives you all the option you need in a professional looking website layout. The clean design of this template gives a rich look to the template. If you are offering luxury services, then this template will reflect the class of service you are offering. On the pristine white background, the images look more colorful and the animation effects are lively. On the homepage, you have a big image slider with the advanced search bar. You also have a quick navigation option for the homepage in the header section to let the user easily jump to the sections.

Premade big image banners are also given on the homepage to help you promote the latest offers. In the top bar, you also have space to add a contact number. You can even add chat support to this template. As the Travello uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework, you can easily integrate this template with other web applications. The only downside of the template is it has only the homepage design. You have to take your website from here or create your own website template by keeping this template as a base.

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Fitness Gym



Fitness Gym may not be a direct travel website template, but it has the features and options to create an effective travel website. Promotional banners, pricing tables, and image sections will help you neatly promote your business and explain your travel packages. Each section is made big enough so that you can add big images and longer texts without any issue. Ample amount of space is given for the text contents so that you can explain your service neatly to the users.

One of the most unique features about this free website template is it is pre-bundled with the chat tool, Twalktoo. You can engage your customers directly and try the chances of converting the visitors into customers. Twalkto tool is also easy to use and customize tool, which is used in a number of websites. You have to manually take care of the integration of your support system with the website. Customizing this template will be an easy job for the web developers. As this template follows the code standards used by professional developers, integrating and adding features to this template will be an easy job.

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Samira is a luxury hotel website template by default. But, this template shares a lot of features you have seen in a travel website template. This template also includes all the user-friendly features like search options, package listing with pricing, and lots of image holders. In the footer, you have a full-width widget for Instagram widgets. This elegant looking website template is coupled with cool visual effects to genuinely promote your business and also to give life to the images and web elements. Texts are made bold and easy to read so that the users can easily interact with your website.

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Travelista is the most modern website template on this list. Just like the Places template mentioned above this template also has the web elements placed in the most appropriate places for a better result. The full-width design gave you more than enough space to add big elements and long content. This template gives equal preference to both text contents and image contents. Visual effects are used smartly to show useful information and it also gets user attention easily. Table elements are used to help the user get a better idea of the travel packages you offer. Take a look at our CSS table templates collection to get modern design inspiration.

In the header you get a set of forms in a tabbed interface, each form is used for different purposes. Just like in the Places template, this form is also is in a complete working condition from the front end. All you have to do is to take care of the backend work and the integration part. Just above the top navigation bar, you have space to add social media profile links and ticket reservation options. If you are looking for free travel agency website templates with useful options, this template is the real deal for you.

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Travelix is a colorful website template. This template ticks all the checkboxes of the modern web design; you get gradient color scheme, bold stylish fonts, simple icons and smooth animation effects. The gradient color scheme is used elegantly throughout the template, animation effects are also combined with this color scheme to give a lively color shift when you hover over elements. In the header, you have an image slider with smooth transition effects and bold texts to give an interactive intro about your services.

Just below the image slider, you have a tabbed interface to select the service they want. Each service is indicated with beautiful icons. Speaking of the icons, they are customized to match the overall design of the template. One line form is used in each service options, to make reservations. Images play a major role in this template design, you can use images of the places to interactively show package details.

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Atlantis is primarily a hotel website template, but the core features and flexible layout of this template male it a perfect fit for travel websites as well. As a travel agency, you have to provide a clear idea about the services the user will get in a package. With this template, you can explain your services in detail to the users. The clean pristine design makes the colorful web elements look more attractive and help you easily distinguish each element. Big elements and sections make interactions easier even in small screen devices.

As it is a hotel website template, you get price badges to mark the pricing of the rooms and suites, you can use this to mark your travel package rates. It is a multi-page template and you get a separate page for the room reservations. As it is a service based website template, feedback options are provided on the contact page and reservation page. Overall the Atlantis is a well thought out useful website template.

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Destino is similar to the Travelix template mentioned above. This template follows the design that attracts the modern millennial traveler. Even the promotional elements and banners are designed elegantly to match the overall modern design of the template. The designer of the template has used the bright red color scheme smartly so that the template doesn't look flashy but also gets user attention at the right spot.

Thanks to the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework for making this template more lively with creative visual effects. As all other free travel agency website templates in this list, this one is also a multi-page template. The icons are unique and match the travel services theme of this template. The Destino template gives you enough space to add both simple text contents and multimedia contents.

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Luxehotel, from the name itself you can infer that this is a hotel template. Just like the Atlantis website template mentioned above, this template also has elements and options to help you make a professional travel agency website. The designer of this template goes with a minimal and simple approach to make a distraction-free website. The simple design of the template also gets minimal animation effects to make it visually appealing to the users.

As this is a service-oriented website you get useful web tools to make the user experience great. For example; at the header you have an advanced search bar for finding relevant room, you can use this tool for the user to select a package. As it is an HTML website template, you have to take care of the back end work. Speaking of the coding, this template follows the industrial standards followed in the premium template, so the developer will find it easy to work with. Using free travel agency website templates like this will save you time and money.

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Tour is the go-to option for travel agencies which take care of everything in their package. This template comes with tons of useful options and elements. Not only with the features but also with the design you get a premium quality template. With this template, you can explain all your services interactively to the users. If you like to impress the visitors with your own custom photographs of the places, then this is the template for you. The Tour template gives you plenty of space to add your images, as it is an HTML5 website template you can even video contents without any worries.

Since most of the space is reserved for the image, the developer has used the hover and animation effects to explain the services. In between sections you have space to add promotional contents and banners. The full-width banner with bold texts helps you promote special offers. Rating elements are also provided with this template to help the user best package they need. If you are about to make a custom business model that allows the user to select everything from the mode of transport to the hotel they stay in, free travel agency website templates like this is the best option for you.

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This template is also designed for service-oriented websites, hence you get promotional elements as well as user-friendly elements with this template. The full-width design of this template gave you plenty of space to explain your services interactively to the user. If you are into a conventional model with professional business style design, then this template will impress you. The creator of this template gives more importance to the text contents, the light color scheme of this template improves the readability of the texts. Other useful elements you get with this template are parallax scrolling, animated counters, smooth animation effects and well-customized icons. This template is packed with two homepage variations, both follow different alignment, based in your need select the one that fits you.

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Flawless is a sports and fitness website template. This creative website template has a clean design and useful features that will help you create an effective travel agency website. Flawless is a pure conversion focused website template and has all the web elements placed in the most optimal position. Instead of using parallel lines to differentiate each section of the homepage, different shapes are used. Content boxes are provided to add both text contents and image contents.

In the header, you have an image slider with texts to give motivational messages. Just below the image slider, you have pricing table section to show the package details and pricing. This template also provides you pricing badges to indicate packages with images just like in the ecommerce websites. Icons are the only thing you need to change. Since it is a fitness website template you get all the icons related to the fitness center.

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Royal is a stylish and feature rich website template. Detailing makes this template stand unique in this set of free travel agency website templates. Not only the designers but also the developers added their creativity to make this template visually appealing. Pristine clean design of this template made readability and interactions easier. Image holders with rounded edges and natural colors show the usage of latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework. Just like all other service oriented website templates, this one also gives you search and reservation options at the header section. The form fields are made user-friendly so that the user can input data easily. Apart from the homepage you also get gallery page where you can add some of your trip photos to inspire the travelers.

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Robust is also a fitness website template just like the Flawless template mentioned above. It is a flexible and easy to customize website template, which makes it the best option for any professional websites. On the clean white background, the gradient color scheme looks attractive. As it is a fitness center you get schedule section in this template to explain daily classes. Parallax sections in between sections give users a lively feel when they scroll down. All you have to do is to add your contents and customize this template as per your needs. As this template follows universal code standards, the developers will find it easy to work with this template.

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Taxi website template is designed to manage multiple users and make reservation easier. Hence this template will also help you create an effective travel agency website. This template includes all the elements and options to create an effective business website. As this template is designed for taxi services, the yellow color scheme is used throughout the template. If you have any brand color you can customize it in the CSS file. Since this template uses the latest CSS3 framework the animation effects and the colors are more natural. Based on the background color the text color changes automatically to make readability easier.

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As the name implies, Educrown is an education website template. As this template is designed for the online course offering businesses, you can use this template for travel agencies as well. This template is for the content-rich website, it has lots of interactive elements to present contents elegantly to the users. Another big advantage of the content-rich site is you can explain the services in detail to the users. If you tune the content based on keywords you will get better search engine ranking. Big bold texts and clean white background made readability easier on both the small screen devices and desktops. Search options are provided at the image sliders in the header sections.

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Caremed is a service oriented website template designed specifically for the medical websites. If you are planning to make a website that provides the most important information readily on the user's hands, then this template is for you. With this template, you also get better brand visibility in the website. In the sticky top bar navigation, you have a special cutout to add your logo; the developer of this template managed to highlight the logo section without disturbing the overall design of the template. Blue and green color combination makes looks attractive and also helps you to elegantly highlight important contents.

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Villa a multipurpose website template for hotels, restaurants and travel agencies. Since this template is designed for multiple niches you get plenty of useful elements and options with this template. Smooth scrolling effects help you to share your services interactively the users. This template gives you more than enough space to add images, this template can handle images of any size and any orientation easily.

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Adventure is a one-page website template. If you are about to make a simple yet modern looking website for your travel agency then this template is for you. Since it is a one-page template the homepage of this template is made long enough to accommodate all the sections you might normally need in a professional website. If you are offering travel services only to selected regions, then this template will meet your needs. The floating style design of this template will attract the present-day audience.

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Travelasia is a colorful simple website template for travel agencies. This is also a one-page template, but the creators of the template used modern web design to give you all the options in the given one page. Both the designer and the developer has put their equal effort to make this template look beautiful. They also managed to keep all the features you need. Animation effects are subtle but manage to get user attention at the required spot easily.

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South is a real estate website template, the default feature to showcase the property elegantly to the users makes this template a best choice for travel websites. Since this template needs to handle multiple types of contents about different properties the designer of this template has used various elements to make it user-friendly. Below each property the attributes about the property like price, number of rooms and space are indicated by icons; you can use this feature to show the highlighting features of the travel package. You can add promotional banners in the parallax sections given between the sections. It is a multi-page template with lots of useful features to help you create an effective website in no time. Few hours of customization will make this template a perfect travel agency website.

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Dorne is designed specifically to handle a number of contents easily and present them elegantly to the users. Being a directory website template for places and tourist spots, this template will help you create an effective travel agency website as well. Trendy color scheme and modern design make this template stand unique among other HTML website templates. With this template, you get an interactive map, which has interface almost similar to Google maps. You can use this map element to show your tourist spot in real-time to the users. Maps can also help users plan their personal schedule based on the places around it. This template gives equal importance to both image contents and text contents so you can make an interactive website.

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Listed is also a place listing website template just like the Dorne template mentioned above. This template doesn't give you plenty of options like in Dorne, but you can use this template as a base and can create your own custom website template. This template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap framework. If you are vague and looking for a design inspiration to start a website from scratch this template will be the best place to start from.

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